Abraham’s Prayer

Sri Aarondev
1 min readDec 30, 2021

“The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.” — Quran 49:10
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Abraham’s Prayer

All are One in the Kingdom
Fatimah, Shekinah, Mary — Sisters of the Realm
All are One in the Kingdom
Muhammad, Moses, Jesus — Brothers of the Realm
All are One in the Kingdom

Anger is the enemy. I will not succumb to it.
Anger is the enemy. It will not defeat me.
Anger is the enemy of life. My children shall know this.

Peace begins with me.
Peace begins in my heart.
Peace begins in my heart, now.

May we be good neighbors.
May peace and understanding grow.
May our children play in the fields together.

Abraham’s Prayer Is Peace — All are One in the Kingdom
Abraham’s Prayer Is Peace — All are One on Earth

May Our Joy Be Full — May Our Joy Be Full — May Our Joy Be Full

– Aaron of Jesus, May 2016



Sri Aarondev

Teacher, the Path of Devotion - The World Mother, in All Her Divine Forms, As Primary