How Do We Actually “Come to Jesus"?

Sri Aarondev
1 min readDec 16, 2021


“Mark relates that Jesus concealed his teaching from the masses, and entrusted it only to the few he considered worthy to receive it.” - The Gnostic Gospels; Elaine Pagels, Professor of Religion at Princeton University
MARK 4:10-12
10 And when he was alone, those present along with the Twelve questioned him about the parables. 11 He answered them,

“The mystery of the kingdom of God has been granted to you. But to those outside everything comes in parables, 12 so that ‘they may look and see but not perceive, and hear and listen but not understand, in order that they may not be converted and be forgiven.’”
“Come to Jesus” and “Mystery of the Kingdom of God” are direct spiritual experiences and not scriptural.
The Yoga of Devotion -
-- Bringing Forth the Transcendent
-- Allowing the Transcendent to Be Experienced in the Heart
-- The Gayatri Mantra for Spiritual Enlightenment
How Do We Actually "Come to Jesus"?
"Be Still and Know That I Am God" - Psalm 46:10
Cultivate Stillness of Heart and Mind
The Yoga of Devotion -



Sri Aarondev
Sri Aarondev

Written by Sri Aarondev

Teacher, the Path of Devotion - The World Mother, in All Her Divine Forms, As Primary

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