The Tathastu Prayer

Sri Aarondev
1 min readDec 23, 2021

Humanity Changing Into Divinity

Oh Mother God, from whom the breath of life and light of life comes

Who fills all realms with divine love and divine truth

May your divine light be experienced in our utmost holiest

Your heavenly realm descends now as we ascend in oneness with you

May your divine will come true in the universe, on this earth and in our lives

Bless us your divine wisdom for our daily need

Detach the fetters of fault that bind us as we let go the fault of others

Let us not be lost in superficial things but let us be freed

from that which keeps us from our true purpose

From you comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,

the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age

Sealed in trust, faith and truth

We confirm these words with our entire Being

Thank you Blessed Mother Divine

Tathāstu, tathāstu

So be it

adapted from the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic by Aaron of Jesus (Aarondev)
6 May 2019



Sri Aarondev
Sri Aarondev

Written by Sri Aarondev

Teacher, the Path of Devotion - The World Mother, in All Her Divine Forms, As Primary

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